miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014



- “Phenomenology of corporeality: a paradigmatic case study in schizophrenia” (with G. Stanghellini) (in press).
- “Clinical phenomenology and its therapeutic consequences” (with G. Stanghellini). Journal of Psychopathology (Italy) 2013; 19: 224-229.
- “Phenomenology of intersubjectivity and its importance for the understanding of endogenous diseases". Psicopatología Fenomenología Contemporánea (Brazil), 2013, 2(1), 75-90.
- “Phenomenological-hermeneutical analysis of religious experience in myth and madness" (with Oscar Velásquez). Actas Esp Psiquiatr (Spain) 40 (Supl. 2): 66-72 (2012).
- “Phenomenology of intersubjectivity in bipolar disease and in schizophrenia". Salud Mental (Mexico) 34: 507-515 (2011).
- “Suicide and death in R. M. Rilke". Quaderns de Versàlia (Barcelona, Spain), I: 12-17 (2011).
- “Schizophrenia, language and evolution (or the schizophrenias as logopathies)”. Actas Esp Psiquiatr (Spain) 38: 1-7 (2010). 
- "Eros and Thanatos". Salud Mental (Mexico) 32: 189-197 (2009).
- "Personality disorders from a phenomenological perspective”. Actas Esp Psiquiatr (Spain) 36: 10-19 (2008).
- "The labyrinth: space, myth and madness". Anales de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Tomo XIX (2): 755-771 (2007).
- “The encounter with God in myth and madness”. Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine (USA/UK) 2: 12 (2007). 
- “Phenomenology of obsessiveness". Archivos de Psiquiatría (Spain) 69: 279-292 (2006).
- “Psychiatric phenomenology as epistemology and its therapeutical consequences". Monografías de Psiquiatría (Spain), 18, Nr. 1: 16-22 (2006).
- “About the sense of suffering". Salud Mental (Mexico), 29, Nr. 4: 9-17 (2006).
- “Delusion as human possibility". Rev Psiquiatría Fac. Med. Barna. (Barcelona, Spain) 32, Nr. 3: 135-142 (2005).
- “Phenomenology of love and psychopathology". Salud Mental (Mexico), 28, Nr. 1: 1-9 (2005).
- “Phenomenology of Genius and Psychopathology”. Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica (Japan), 105, Nr. 3: 277-286 (2003).
- “Approach to the phenomenon of delusion as a human possibility". Archivos de Psiquiatría (Spain) 66, Nr. 3: 201-212 (2003).
- "Ethics and psychiatry in clinical daily praxis". Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría (Colombia) 31, Nr. 1: 27-48 (2002).
- “Phenomenology of corporality in delusional depression". Revista Salud Mental (Mexico), 25, Nr. 4: 1-9 (2002).
- "Contribution to a phenomenology of anxiety". Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. (Spain), 26, Supl. 1: 27-34 (1998).
- "About the spaciality of paranoid psychoses in epilepsy and in schizophrenia". Revista Electrónica de Psiquiatría (Spain), 1, No. 3: 1-14 (1997).
- "An international perspective on the history and philosophy of psychiatry: the present day influence of Jaspers and Husserl". (With Jean Naudin). Current Opinion in Psychiatry (United Kingdom) 10: 390-394 (1997).
- "Die ethische Frage in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie" (The ethical question in psychiatry and psychotherapy). Alexander von Humboldt Review (Germany) 67: 13-20 (1996).
- “Contribution to a systemic interpretation of anorexia nervosa". With E, Morales and G. Hernández). Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. (Spain), 22, 26 (261-269), 1994.
- "About a particular type of oral perversion in the female: hyperphagia followed by vomiting". International Journal of Eating Disorders (USA), 16, Nº 2: 117-132 (1994).
- "Ethics and psychiatry". Revista Temas (Brazil) 47: 39-55 (1994).
- "The change of corporality and its importance for the determination of a fundamental or nuclear depressive syndrome". Rev. Psiquiatría Fac. Med. Barna. (Spain) 20, 6: 202-212 (1993)
- "Anticipation and melancholy". Revista de Psiquiatría (Argentina), 6: 7-18 (1993).
- "Hermeneutics, dialectics and psychiatry". Revista Temas (Brazil) 45: 25-40 (1993).
- "Psychopathology of torture victims". With L. Hartmann, E. Lira and E. Weinsteín. Torture (Denmark) 3, Nr. 2: 36-38 (1993).
- "Approche phénoménologique au problème du vieillissement normal" (Phenomenological approach to the problem of normal aging). Psychologie Médicale (France) 25, 13: 1319-1323 (1993).
- "Phenomenology of depressive corporality". Salud Mental (Mexico) 16: 22-30 (1993).
- "Torture: late sequelae and phenomenology". Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes (USA) 55: 177-184 (1992).
- "Phenomenological approach to the problema of normal aging). An. Psiquiatría (Spain) 8, Nr. 3: 81-85 (1992).
- "Differential phenomenology of paranoid psychoses in epilepsy". Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. (Spain), 20, 3: 120-129 (1992).
- "Depression, endogenity and corporality". Rev. de Neuro-Psiquiatría (Peru), 55: 237-253 (1992).
- "Questoes éticas em psiquiatría social" (Ethical questions in social psychiatry). Inform. Psiq. (Brazil) 11: 4: 144-150 (1992).
- "The exercise of intensive medicine as stress situation". Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiat. (Spain) 19, Nº 5: 243-251 (1991).
- "Ethical aspects of the chronic mental patient and his rehabilitation". Rev. Psiquiatría Fac. Med. Barna. (Spain) 17, Nr. 4: 182-192 (1990).
- "Dialectics and psychiatry". Acta Psiquiát. Psicol. Amér. Lat. (Argentina) 36, Nrs. 3-4: 111-123 (1990).
- "Towards a dialectic conception of psychopathology". Actas Luso-Esp. Neurol. Psiquiatr. (Spain) 18, Nr. 4: 244-257 (1990).
- "Delusion and Rationality". Inform. Psiq. (Brazil) 9, Nr. 4: 125-133 (1990).


- "Hermeneutical and dialectical thinking in psychiatry and the contribution of Karl Jaspers”. Thomas Fuchs, Sabine Herpertz, Christoph Mundt (Eds.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (2013).
- “Resistance: Rilke’s way for overcoming melancholy". In: Affektive Störungen. Thomas Fuchs, Mathias Berger (Ed.). Stuttgart: Schattauer (2013), pp. 187-199. 
- “Karl Jaspers’ General Psychopathology in the framework of clinical practice”. In: 100 Years Karl Jaspers General Psychopathology. G. Stanghellini and T. Fuchs (Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2013).
- Book: “The word and the music". Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag, 2011.
- “Schizophrenia as logopathy". In Festschrift zum 80. Geburstag von Uwe Henrik Peters. Andreas Marneros, Anke Rohde (Eds.). Cologne, ANA Publishers, 2011, pp. 352 372.
- “Phenomenological perspectives of personality disorders". In: Struktur – Persönlichkeit – Persönlichkeitsstörung. H. Lang, H. Faller & M. Schowalter (Eds.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (2007), pp. 133-146.
- “Phenomenological-anthropological psychiatry". In: Tratado de Psiquiatría, Tomo I. M. Marchant, A. Monchablon (Eds.). Buenos Aires: Editorial Grupo Guía (2005), pp. 44-57.
- Book: "Rainer Maria Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus". Translation, prologue, notes and comments by Otto Dörr). Madrid: Editorial Visor (2004). 320 páginas.
- “Contribution of phenomenological method to the treatment of schizophrenia". In Schizophrenie. W. Machleidt, P. Garlipp und H. Haltenhof (Ed.). Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag (2003), pp. 57-65.
- “Introduction to Rainer Maria Rike’s Sonnets to Orpheus". In: La filosofía como pasión. Homenaje a Juan Eduardo Rivera Cruchaga en su 75 cumpleaños. Madrid: Editorial Trotta (2003), pp. 299-309.
- Book: Rainer Maria Rilke’s Duino Elegies: Translation, prologue, notes and comments by Otto Dörr). Madrid: Editorial Visor Libros (1ª Edición 2002, 2ª Edición 2010). 318 páginas.
- “Phenomenology of depressive corporality". In: Affekt und Affektive Störungen. T. Fuchs, Ch. Mundt (Ed.). Paderborn . München . Wien. Zürich: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag (2002), pp. 139-152.
- “The mental suffering of the genius: the case of the poet Rainer Maria Rilke". In: Die Wahrheit der Begegnung. Festschrift für Dieter Janz. Rainer-M. E. Jacobi, Peter C. Claussen (Ed.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (2001), pp. 431-448.
- "Existential and phenomenological approach to psychiatry". In: New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry. Eds. M.G. Gelder (Oxford), Juan J. López-Ibor Jr. (Madrid) and Nancy C. Andreasen (Iowa City). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2000), pp. 357-362. 
- Space and time in the experience of anxiety". In: Temporalidad: El problema del tiempo en el pensamiento actual. María Lucrecia Rovaletti (Ed.). Buenos Aires: Editorial Lugar S. A. (1998), pp. 105-117.
- "Phenomenology of anxiety". In: La lecture du monde. Mélanges en hommage a Yves Pélicier. Textes réunis par Jacqueline Pélicier (Ed.). Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, PUF (1998), pp. 102-107.
- "Phenomenological approach to the problem of normal aging". In: "Antropología y Vejez". Demetrio Barcia Salorio (Ed.). Murcia: Editorial Menarini (1996), pp. 149-161.
- "Body and Depression". In: Depresión y Ansiedad. Jorge Nazar, Fernando Linares, Silvia Salzman de Cirasino (Eds.). Mendoza: Departamento de Psiquiatría, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (1996), pp. 429-439.
- "Phenomenology of corporality in major psychoses". In: La problemática del tiempo en el pensamiento actual. María Lucrecia Rovaletti (Ed.). Buenos Aires: Oficina de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (1996), pp. 303-314.
- "Phenomenology of corporality and nuclear depressive syndrome". In: A escolha de si-próprio. Porto (Portugal): Ediciones Hospital do Conde de Ferreira (1996).
- "About Prince Alfred Auersperg‘s life and work". In: "Leibliche Bedingungen und personale Entfaltung der Wahrnehmung.“ Therese zu Oettingen-Spielberg und Hermann Lang (Ed.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (1994).
- "Two Alfred Auerpsperg’s fundamental contributions to psychiatry". In: "Leibliche Bedingungen und personale Entfaltung der Wahrnehmung". Therese zu Oettingen-Spielberg and Hermann Lang (Ed.). Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann Verlag (1994), pp. 99-114.
- "Body and depression". In: „Depresión y Ansiedad“. J. Nazar, F. Linares and S. Salzman (Eds.). Mendoza: Ediciones Departamento de Psiquiatría Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (1994), pp. 429-439.
- "Nuclear depressive syndrome". In: "Psiquiatría Biológica". R. Fernández L., H. Puppo T. and G. Caetano E. (Eds.). Buenos Aires: Cangrejal Editores (1993), pp.122-139.
- "The ethical challenge in psychiatry". In: "Ethik und Werte". Zürich: Dr. Margrit Egnér Stiftung (Ed.) (1992), pp. 40-59.
- "Phenomenology of the agressive behaviour in the human being". In: "Agresividad y Violencia". G. Vidal and F. Lolas (Eds.). Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada, S.A. (1991), pp. 35-49.
- "The destruction of language in schizophrenia, considered as logopathy". In: "Sprache und Schizophrenie". A. Kraus and Ch. Mundt (Ed.). Stuttgart-New York: Thieme Verlag (1991), pp. 97-104.
- "Towards a phenomenology of the torture situation" (with L. Hartmann, E. Lira, E. Weinstein). In: "Etiology of mental disorder". E. Kringlen, N.J. Lavik, S. Torgersen (Eds.). Oslo: Department of Psychiatry of the University (1990), pp. 203-211.


- “Sexuality in the age of technique", by Thomas Fuchs. Gaceta de Psiquiatría Universitaria, Año 7, Vol. 7 – Nº 3: 300-308 (2011).
- "Pathogenic and therapeutic aspects of melancholy as endocosmogenic psychosis", by Hubertus Tellenbach. Gaceta de Psiquiatría Universitaria, Año 4, Vol. 4 – Nº 4: 403-410 (2008).
- "Plato as portrayer", by Hans-Georg Gadamer. Estudios Públicos Nº 59: 81-98 (1995).
- "General psychotherapy and hermeneutical psychotherapy", by Rainer Holm-Hadulla. Rev. Chil. Neuro-Psiquiat. 33, Nº 4: 251-261 (1995).
- "Considerations about brief psychotherapy of analytical orientation as hermeneutical method", by Rainer Holm-Hadulla. Rev. Chil. Neuro-Psiquiat. 29: 4-8 (1991).

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